About Us
Here at WestEastSpace.com we believe in the Space industry. We believe that we, as a people across Earth, should be doing more in the Space industry. We believe that there are perceived and sometimes real geo-political barriers. We believe in working within the real boundaries and dispelling perceived boundaries to create a better opportunity for all of us.
We connect like-minded people. We connect people that may not have been exposed to other points of view and provide a balanced view. By connecting people, we create a platform to encourage communication regarding Space economy and provide a platform for networking, communicating and growing. We want to connect people together as a platform across the east and the west. We want to facilitate win-win co-operation. We want to make the easy way the best way.
WestEastSpace.com is an entertaining and informative content distribution platform. The content discusses current news and trends in the space industry, highlighting companies, new technologies, and people.
We want to challenge the norms. Our name is a challenge to the norm. Typically people make reference to East West, we have decided to reverse that order to West East.

The picture by NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman of a sunrise, captured from the International Space Station, to social media on Oct. 29, 2014 inspired the WestEastSpace.com logo.
A day before Wiseman made his post, on Oct. 28 of the Orbital Sciences Corporation Antares rocket and Cygnus spacecraft, moments after launch at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia was lost. The Cygnus spacecraft, bound for the ISS, was filled with about 5,000 pounds of supplies.
Wiseman wrote, “Not every day is easy. Yesterday was a tough one. #sunrise” This is the type of uplifting image and quote that we want to share, so we adopted this visualization into our logo as a reminder of the beauty of space, the challenges we face, and the unified effort that the International Space Station represents.
Image Credit: NASA/Reid Wiseman