Short Business Description
Anybotics is a Swiss startup founded in 2016 by Hanspeter Fässler, Marco Hutter and Christian Gehring. The startup is a spin-off from ETH and provides solutions for a new level of mobility and interaction capabilities for robots to step out of the factory floors. They develop the market for highly mobile legged robots operating in challenging environments. The next major step in robot evolution will see robots leaving the structured factory environment. This requires versatile and highly mobile mechanical devices to move and operate autonomously in unstructured environments, collaborating with humans where needed.
Business Genre
Long Business Description
Anybotics is a Swiss startup founded in 2016 by Hanspeter Fässler, Marco Hutter and Christian Gehring. The startup is a spin-off from ETH and provides solutions for a new level of mobility and interaction capabilities for robots to step out of the factory floors. They develop the market for highly mobile legged robots operating in challenging environments. The next major step in robot evolution will see robots leaving the structured factory environment. This requires versatile and highly mobile mechanical devices to move and operate autonomously in unstructured environments, collaborating with humans where needed.