All Earth Based in Directory (229)
Investing (1)
Relay (1)
Services (13)
Space Related Manufacturing (35)
Space to Ground (4)
Space to Space (8)
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Goonhilly Earth Station (GES) Ltd is a private UK company which owns and operates Goonhilly Earth Station. GES Ltd acquired the station in January 2014. GES Ltd is seeking to develop and expand the satellite communication facilities whilst also adding new services such as Deep Space Communications, Earth Observation satellite tracking, data centre services, advanced manufacturing (electronics), training and outreach. We are keen to build partnerships with other space and satellite organisations as well as with industry and academic partners. C-, Ka-, Ku-, S-, X-
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Battery Tech
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Hawa Dawa provides an easy-to-use heatmap and dashboard as well as a sophisticated API that allows you to identify pollution hotspots, monitor change and take action to improve air quality. Its high-precision and low-cost air quality sensor units are deployed as an IoT network: It collects granular spatial and temporal pollutant measurements of air quality and analyse its data in-house, implementing machine learning techniques and multiple data sources to produce actionable air quality maps.
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HEMAV is a technology company offering data analytics through Artificial Intelligence, boosted by the use of drone and satellite images.
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Low cost Industrial IoT connectivity via licensed spectrum using ultra low power modems.
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High Reliability Engineering & Components Co. (HIREC) was established on Oct in 1988 with support of Japanese space companies for better reliability assurance, improved manufacturing and procurement techniques, and stable supply of space components.
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HISPASAT is the Spanish satellite communications operator, leader in the distribution of content in Spanish and Portuguese. With more than 25 years of experience, the HISPASAT Group maintains an important presence on the Iberian Peninsula and in Latin America, where it is now the fourth satellite operator. HISPASAT has solidly positioned itself in high growth markets and has a stable strategic client base. HISPASAT distributes more than 1,250 television and radio channels through its powerful fleet of satellites and is a key driver for the Spanish aerospace industry.
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SpaceUp is a project financed by the EU Framework programme
for Research and Innovation (Horizon 2020).
Throughout the project lifetime six Space Academies will take place in various locations in Europe, networking new space tech entrepreneurs with potential partners and customised business services will be provided to selected companies, helping them accelerate on the road to success!
for Research and Innovation (Horizon 2020).
Throughout the project lifetime six Space Academies will take place in various locations in Europe, networking new space tech entrepreneurs with potential partners and customised business services will be provided to selected companies, helping them accelerate on the road to success!
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HyBird is a London-based drone startup, which spun out of University College London (UCL) and is now looking to welcome new members to join its core team.
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