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space3ac are a unique acceleration programme bringing together large businesses and technological startups. They are experts in supporting both sides of the table with creating maximum value from their cooperation.
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SpacEarth Technology is a spin-off of Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, INGV, currently the largest European body dealing with research in Geophysics and Volcanology. SpacEarth Technology is composed by a team of engineers, physicists and geologists with a long involvement in research: Upper Atmosphere Physics, Space Weather, Satellite Navigation and Positioning, Environmental Geophysics, Marine Monitoring, Remote Sensing, Data Managment and Training. Realising innovative products and services is our goal thanks to the knowledge and technological transfer from the excellence in research results.
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We are an innovative Start-up, specialized in the realization of high technological value solutions. Our skills and technologies we use come from research, from electronics and satellite applications and consist in the creation of HW devices, including firmware development, based on satellite navigation and telecommunications solutions
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Spaceit is specialized in the development of cloud based mission control system for satellite missions.
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SpacePharma provides researchers access to the unique environment of microgravity, using cutting edge remote controlled labs.
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