The MMX spacecraft will be equipped with eleven instruments, four of which will be provided by international partners. at NASA (USA), ESA (Europe), CNES (France) and DLR (Germany).
JAXA-built instruments include:
- the telescopic (narrow-angle) camera, TENGOO, for observing detailed terrain,
- the wide-angle camera, OROCHI, for identifying hydrated minerals and organic matter,
- the LIDAR laser altimeter
- the Circum-Martian Dust Monitor, CMDM
- the Mass Spectrum Analyser, MSA to study the charged ions around the moons
- SMP sampling device and sample return capsule,
- the radiation environment monitor, IREM.
International Partners will provide the following:
- NASA(USA) — the gamma ray and neutron spectrometer, MEGANE, to examine the elements that constitute the Martian moons
- NASA(USA) — P-sampler; a pneumatic sampling device.
- CNES — MacrOmega, a near-infrared spectrometer that can identify mineral composition
- CNES & DLR — rover to explore the moon surface.
- ESA will additionally assist with deep space communication equipment.

Credit JAXA — MMX(Martian Moons eXploration)

Credit JAXA — MMX(Martian Moons eXploration)

Credit JAXA — MMX(Martian Moons eXploration)