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the Soyuz Spacecraft

The Soyuz spacecraft succeeded the Russian Voskhod spacecraft and was originally designed as part of the Soviet crewed lunar programs.   An advantage Soyuz had over the Space Shuttle was the ability to abort in the event of a failure with the launch vehicle....

The United States Munitions List

The United States Munitions List (“USML,” part 121 of the ITAR) Articles, services, and related technical data that are designated as defense articles or defense services pursuant to sections 38 and 47(7) of the Arms Export Control Act constitute the...

Translunar Injection

A trans-lunar injection (TLI) is a propulsive maneuver used to set a spacecraft on a trajectory that will cause it to arrive at the Moon.  Technically, a TLI is not one of the orbit types, rather a maneuver.   Typical lunar transfer trajectories approximate...