- Human Rated Spacecraft Manufacturing (1)
- microsatellite and nanosatellite Manufacturing (3)
- Satellite Manufacturing (1)
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Short Business Description
Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) is a major state-owned manufacturer of satellites and rockets. This includes the Long March (LM) 2D, LM-4B, and LM-6 rockets, and a variety of SAR and communications satellites, including Gaofen.
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Short Business Description
As one of the first commercial aerospace companies in China, Spacety specializes in developing commercial micro/nano-satellites. We are aiming to provide short-cycle, low-cost and one-stop services to scientists, research institutes, and commercial companies, for science experiments and technology demonstrations.
Business Name
Short Business Description
SpaceX designs, manufactures, and launches advanced rockets and spacecraft. The company was founded in 2002 to revolutionize space technology.
Business Genre
Business Tags